Prowess Project is HONORED to be nominated for the Greater Austin Business Awards! We will be competing in the First Time Entrepreneur category. This got me thinking about the top lessons learned about entrepreneurship some far in my journey.
Constructive feedback is a gift
Treat it as such. Whenever someone has the guts to tell you the truth about your “baby”, you know that all they want to do is help. Crushing someone’s spirit is hard, good people hate doing that so if they are giving you feedback, listen.
Context is everything
This ties in with the above. Naturally I have had some people tell me that Prowess Project was silly and would never work. In one case after being sad (hey, can you blame me?), I took a step back and looked at where he was coming from. It was a VC who had a competitor(ish) in their portfolio. He told me to pack up Prowess and go work for that company. Well, folks, OF COURSE HE DID. He has to deliver returns to his investors. He meant well, but this is an example of taking the feedback with a grain of salt.
Comparing entrepreneurship to a roller coaster is an understatement
Unless we are talking about the Tower of Terror times 100 and then steroids, you can’t begin to imagine the mind f*ck (if you can think of a better term here, lemme know) that being an entrepreneur is. Within 30 seconds, no joke, I can be like OMG, Prowess is going to change the world to Holy shit, what am I doing? Don’t worry the latter periods don’t last long, but saying that they don’t exist is a flat out lie.
We’d love for our supporters to help cheer us on on August 21, at the Greater Austin Business Awards. You can get tickets here.
In the meantime, thanks for cheering us on and buckle up 🙂